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descent of man中文是什么意思

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  • 人类由来


  • Darwin continued to publish more works , including his the descent of man ( 1871 ) , in which he applied his theory of evolution to humans , implying that they had descended from apelike creatures
  • In his 1871 work the descent of man , darwin concluded , “ man , with all his noble qualities . . . with his godlike intellect , which has penetrated into the movements and constitution of the solar system . . . still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin
    在达尔文1871年出版的《人类的起源》一书中,他总结道: “人类,具备所有的高贵品质… …具有神一般的智慧,令他能够洞悉太阳系的运行和构造… …但他的肉体却仍然刻有无法抹煞的卑微出身印记。 ”
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